Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

To Modify Default Geometry Properties for a Feature Type

The Geometries page of the Placement Defaults dialog box is used to specify default settings for the geometry properties of a feature type. These defaults include offset distance and angle for the feature symbol, feature annotation, offset distance and angle for the feature annotation, and downstream or upstream placement in relation to the work location. For more information, see Geometry Defaults.

If you want to specify geometry defaults for the feature definitions of a job default, you must access the Placement Defaults dialog box from the Job Default Assistant. For more information, see Modifying Default Geometry Properties for a Feature Definition in a Job Default.

  1. With the Features Catalog displayed in the Design Assistant, double-click the feature type that you want to edit to open the Placement Properties dialog box.
  2. Click the Geometries tab and then select Use Custom Settings.
  3. Specify the default geometry settings that you want to use for this feature in the current design and click OK. Note: Changing the defaults for this feature may conflict with the feature definition of the active job default. In the case of conflicts, the defaults in the current version of the Features Catalog will override the active job default during this design session.